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Real-Time Synchronization Between Salesforce and Dynamics 365

Unlock Seamless Integration with Kubeark

Kubeark is a cutting-edge iPaaS platform that ensures real-time synchronization between Salesforce and Dynamics 365, keeping your leads, contacts, accounts, and opportunities perfectly aligned. This solution is ideal for businesses with multiple CRM systems or those undergoing mergers and acquisitions, providing a unified view and seamless collaboration.


Discover the Power of Kubeark

Watch Our Videos:

1. Syncing Leads

See how leads created in Salesforce are instantly reflected in Dynamics 365.

3. Syncing Accounts

Learn how account details stay synchronized.


2. Syncing Contacts

Experience real-time updates of contact information across both platforms.

4. Syncing Opportunities

Discover how Kubeark handles data transformation with in-flight ETL, mapping Dynamics’ 4 stages to Salesforce’s 9 stages.

Why Choose Kubeark?


Real-Time Sync Across Systems

Kubeark supports real-time synchronization across multiple systems, ensuring your data is always up-to-date.


Improved Collaboration

Unified data across platforms enhances teamwork and reduces misunderstandings.


Cost Savings

Automate data synchronization to reduce manual entry and minimize errors, saving time and money.


Enhanced Decision Making

Access accurate, real-time data for informed business decisions.


Scalable and Flexible

Kubeark adapts to your organization’s growing needs, whether you’re integrating two systems or managing complex M&A activities.


Advanced In-Flight ETL

Seamlessly map and transform data stages to maintain consistency and accuracy.

Perfect for Mergers and Acquisitions

Kubeark excels in integrating CRM, ERP and other systems during M&A activities. When acquiring a new company, easily sync the acquired company’s systems with your existing infrastructure to ensure a smooth transition and immediate productivity.

Potential Cost Savings

Integrating CRM systems with Kubeark can lead to significant cost savings by:

  • Reducing Manual Data Entry: Automation can save hundreds of hours annually, translating to substantial labor cost reductions.
  • Minimizing Errors: Accurate data synchronization reduces costly mistakes and associated corrective measures.
  • Improving Productivity: Streamlined processes enhance employee efficiency, leading to better resource utilization and reduced operational costs.

Estimated Savings: Based on industry studies, companies can save up to 20-30% of their CRM-related operational costs, potentially amounting to millions annually, depending on the size and complexity of the organization.

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